Monday, November 7, 2016

Partying all night with PAIN

to the NH Board of Medicine.........
      I have written in on a few occasions with questions and concerns and only received a simple letter back saying there was nothing they or anyone there could do to help me, more or less.
   without taking too much of your time, I have a few simple questions. Why, after nearly 15yrs have Doctors stopped treating my pain? Not only can they not prescribe a quarter of the dosage (so they say), that after 15yrs and 6 professional Doctors concurred was appropriate?           15yrs of fairly decent care, now to very little relief resulting in severe acute intermittent pain, that results in long term chronic recovery pain. I am in sever pain as I write this, and have no medication at all for break-thru pain.
    My concern is that many Doctors do not know what to do, as the "New" laws have been enacted and revised. And the Fact that when I do make an appointment I present fairly well. They do not see the hours of intense stabbing, burning, etc, etc. Pain I'm sure you hear too often.
 So, what exactly is this New limit of Mgs per day? My Doctor tells me at 75mgs (10mg Methadone 3x, and 15mg Oxycodone 3x) "I am already over the max" and cannot help me any more than that! However, I read 120mgs was the cap before certain other precautions and steps had to be in place. (Random urines, documentation, monthly office visits,etc.) But basically 120mgs, not the 75 she claims, 
   Second, can my new Doctor change my medication without telling me? He swapped the 15mg IR for 15mg T12. I sadly know about medication since I was crushed in a car crusher and became a bi-lateral dis-articulated at the hips person. I wish I never knew anything about medication. But it seems two long acting medications and nothing for break-thru pain is a step backwards. I won't even bore you with inadequate dose age requirements for sever phantom limb loss pain, or what I had been prescribed in past years. 
   So, what can a Patient do about Doctors that mislead/ lie to patients? Are they accountable to anyone? I know when I worked, I was always accountable to the very least the customer.
   To recap: what is the "Actual max dosage...if any"  (you can point me to a reference) and two, "Can a Doctor change your medications without consult?"

 Dick, Mr. Dumass, I realize you are not obligated to tell me anything that is not part of you job,,,,and if that is the case...would you please tell me just who is and where I can find them.

  Thank you very much for your time, and again in advance for any assistance you can afford me. I been basically without pain relief for seven months, and I would like to continue to remain in my home, independent. Not in a nursing home, or worse.
it's been very hard for me.

Will they reply? HAAA. if so, it will be with a "nothing" of any help for sure.  IF you are dieing of pain, that will make them happy.  this is bullshit and if I weren't screaming every 20 seconds, I would expound on it.

for now, this is it. I will tag, Label, and revise at a latter date cause this sucks and soon, it won't even matter, because we all die in the end.

what are you going to do with the limited hours/days left oin your life?
Me... I guess I will scream a twitch.

Please...if you like, add some comments.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

1:33am. Pain and Suffering

I am writing to all/ anybody in Government positions about the many being made to suffer in an effort to help junkies from overdosing...or that's what they called it in my day. NOW, in this Political Correct world...we have to be's not their fault, It's the crack pipes fault, or the syringes fault.
Ask ANY addict, and they will tell you, "It's not my fault"  Right? Let's give em a trophy...ya, know. Just for participating.
  so hers' my last poison pen to a government employee that did actually write back to me. WOW,

Dear XXXX,

thank you for having the courtesy to write back. it is not common. I notice people don't care about pain...till they have it.

  What I am searching for is the truth about this new B/S about "Reducing heroin overdoses by limiting pain medication for patients". I ask every Doctor, Lawyer and Indian Chief and I get a different answer from each.
   My current Doctor tells me at 3 10mg methadone pills and 3 15mg Oxycodone pills per day...I am at the maximum she can prescribe?

That's one of each pill every 8hrs, where the manufacturer themselves claims the medication is only adequate for 4-6hrs relief. So how is it supposed to last 8 hours? It doesn't, and the dosage itself is completely inadequate. Less than half, of what nearly worked before.

   How do I know this?  For over ten years I been on well over twice that dosage. I cut back as much as I could tolerate, under my Doctors supervision, but never did I receive such small dose as I do today. I am up all night. as soon as I take my meds, within the hour I go to sleep....but only for four hours. Then I get up, eat, do a little something...and then; the pain is back, BUT, I have to wait 2 or 3 hours because it is too early to take my next dose.
 like I am right now, but I can't take another dose till  6am, and this pain is crazy shooting into my left foot, twitching, screeching pain, electrical, every 10 minutes or so, and I am so tired. six months of tired.

   I know this is irrelevant to you, But, can you direct me to the truth on why I (And I'm sure many others) are being punished for getting old and/or disabled? 
 WHERE is this, maximum dosage B/S CHART? Is it even real? are doctors being overruled by politiacians?  I mean I trust my doctors, I can't say the same for the Government, especially with this next election?
What has this world come too? Dog and Pony show for POTUS?  DEA, telling pain patients that if they can deal with intolerable pain daily, less people will overdose on heroin?

 Is it me? does nothing make sense anymore?

Please, if you can, tell me where I can find out why I am being punished because of some new rules?

where can I read these rules?
I don't know how anyone would want to live like this.

E. Ward

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

2:20am opiode prescribing laws NH

I am up again all night struggling with vocal pain, that's pain so bad, you can't help being vocal (Screaming). It's been bad since my trauma, but now with no doctor able, it seems to continue with pain meds, it's at an all time high. I am trying to figure out why anybody would want to live like this? And what makes it harder, is I  know this pain is manageable...but I guess not by 2016 standards.
 I got nobody to talk to about this, Nobody reads my blog. The fact is, Nobody cares about other peoples pain. Certainly not the medical profession. They don't know what they're doing. Maybe that's why they call it, "Practicing" Medicine.
The medical care system is a joke to those of us who need it most.
But tonight I am not laughing.
I am crying.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Goverment in your Doctors office

I recently wrote a letter to NH Board of Medicine, since I cannot get any relief from chronic pain after haveing varios levels of relief for over 10 yrs, w/o issue. as follows.....
   I was involved in a workplace trauma a long while back but still suffer from sever acute Phantom pain, Episodes lasting from 1-2hrs to as long as 18-24hrs, where I scream every 5 -25minutes. For this pain I have been on rather large doses of various medications some involving opiods. While I have reduced over all intake I realize none of these medications are very good for me or my kidneys and other organs. I have stopped before withdrawal was nothing compared to the pain that followed, and as I said reduced a great deal with my physicians help, but the trade off is a far less quality of life.
  I will spare you the great details of just how miserable life can be as a high level double amputee,(No legs at all) confined to a wheelchair in constant chronic pain punctuated with periods of intense phantom pain. I also will tell you I completely sympathize with trying to end the opiod crisis, and three my friends children have died from this epidemic. Last I can sadly say I don't have any solution on how to end this tragedy. What I can't understand is why, thinking if we stop doctors from prescribing pain medication to patients who need relief from a life of chronic agony, that will end street drug use? They are not the same issues.
  Now, I become a victim. I cannot find any doctor that can continue prescribing relief for my pain, and as consequence, my life has been reduced to being a person who lies in bed 18hrs a day, I try but in pain, can't do much else. I was active. Took care of myself. Oil Painted. Was active in the community. Rode my handcycle. Now, the Government is sitting in my doctors office, telling them what they can and can't do to help me. Many Doctors what too help, but explain, they simply can't. I  thought THEY went to school, Paid their tuition, and knew what was best for the PATIENT, but now it seems the Government knows what's best.
Where's your degree?
  I am so screwed with this pain. and if I many, countless others are too?
Grandmothers, Fathers, friends and neighbors. You might not even know it, you will only wonder why you
 haven't seen them lately. Until it hits home.
 Just who do you think your helping? The numbers don't add up. Deaths have NOT gone down.
What do I have to do now? Go to the streets for pain relief? That makes as much sense as governing Doctors.
Yes, there are bad doctors. I know because I had them. For the most part, there's many good educated doctors.
Treated me with respect and dignity, Explained what could go wrong with opiods, but understood, some pain
 has to be dealt with harsher than others. I didn't "Plan" this. I wish I never went to work that day. but the pain doesn't care.
1% off all amputees are "Double" amputees. 1% of that 1% are high level double amputees. Bi-lateral Hip dis-articulation.
Did I ever want to know what that means? No. The point is, for the most part, you're doing the right thing. But how can
you lump all pain patients into one group of, "No more than 100units for no longer than 90 days"
Not like my legs are going to grow back....or this pain will go away....for 85% amputees, it does eventually.
I been waiting and praying and screaming...but it doesn't stop. It just goes from one leg to the other.
EVERY F/N DAY. It is sickening. who would want to live like this? This is not living, merely existing.
if that some days.
Any questions? Feel free to write me back. I'm not doing anything.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Goverment in the Doctors office

I been screaming in pain for the past four plus hours. This has been a regular thing since my needed pain medication has been reduced to nearly nothing.
  My dog is very old ,blind and deaf. Today she went to the back yard pen and couldn't find her way back to the doggy door.
  A lot of people say I should euthanize her, since she can run and have a quality of life, like a dog deserves. I have had many dogs, and they all die. They will let you know when it's "Time". It never makes it any easier. But for now, she eats, poops outside and isn't in any pain.
 That's the real test. When she is in pain, I will know, and I will not let her suffer unnecessarily. She is 18yrs old, so it's not a matter of "Fixing her". She is simply old.
    Did you know a person can be charged with cruelty to animals? and receive a stiff fine and possibly jail time? if you keep a dog alive when it is in pain?

  Which is what had me thinking. I am in severe pain right now. I am, most every other night, screaming from severe, stabbing, shooting pain. Should I be euthanized? Why shouldn't a Doctor be fined or imprisoned for making me live in unnecessary pain?
  If I were a dog, I would have been euthanized a while ago. A LONG while ago. Ya, they make wheelchairs for dogs, Similar to the one I am confined too. Yes, I have shit in the house several times. Also, my apatite isn't even as good as my dogs, And there is no doubt I am in critical pain daily.  
     So why am I not reviving medical treatment and am being made to stay alive in miserable pain? Why am I not being treated as well as we treat our family pets? And why is nobody held accountable for this lack of treatment I receive?
   I have plenty of "Agencies" purported to have my best health as their priority interest, yet, here I am screaming, for five hours now. With nothing to treat this pain. This is bullshit! really.
   And why I am the only person who can find a doctor? get an appointment? or take care of my needs? What? with all these agencies, nobody has to do shit to help me overcome the bureaucracy of red tape. All I get is the: what they can't do for me, What about what they can do for me? Tell me I can't get an appointment without my medical records? (I did, twice) Tell me, "Nobody can prescribe that amount of medication". When that much and more hasn't been an issue for over ten years, and most recently, a Doctor told me, "...It's not an unreasonable amount of medication, considering..."And, "We can send someone over to do very little for you...". (except take up my time) Honestly. the list of what they can't do, is longer than what they can.

   If I were a dog, I would crawl off and die, except, a dog would be missed.

Now, I have appointments and obligations tomorrow, as most people do, But I am expected to be on point...even with little to no sleep the night before, I am also expected to call the doctors office 24hrs prior to missing any appointment. Or receive a bill.
 let me ask, How the hell am I suppose to predict pain? and I will be up all night the day before an appointment. And these stupid doctors make the appointment the day my prescription runs out.
 So, I better not run short or out, and miss my appointment, Because as if my life
isn't already now.......
    I'd be screwed!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

727 transmission HELP!!!

I never write to the web for help, but since I am buying a Trans kit for my RV, I thought it wise to hear from the best (That's what I been told) somethign about crown source.
     So, here it is. I have a 72 Coachman Class A w/ a 392 IH engine and their version of a 727 trans, in an IH case. A 727 kit will work for this rebuild right? My question is, should I rebuild this or is it "Over" for this trans...I know, "How the hell do you know? You can't see it. Here's what's happening, and NOBODY has a post on this issue, Runs and shifts nice. It just needs to be run in first, second and Drive, manually. It will not start off in "D" position. Once rolling, unless I make a complete stop, it's fine. It will roll in D, but on acceleration. I think it feels like it's in forward and reverse. at the least, not going anywhere. I know TH's and a bit on C-4,6 Nothing on 727, 904. except to R&R them
So, what gives? the prev. owner said he did not Kit -it, but there is no accumulator spring between it and the VB. Slight crap in the pan. typical looking insides. The no spring spooks me, and no forward in D, is not acceptable. It's a damn RV, not a 1/4 miler. Thanks for any help before I pick the right kit.

PS: anyone wise about getting answers on-line, please advise, I tried all the usual ways, Forums, Phone a friend, Web search, you tube.

Friday, March 25, 2016

POW MIA oir "War on Drugs"

There has to be said something about the countless Americans who have been captured, detained and even killed by a war started by the American people against the American people. This is another civil war. An unnecessary war. I love America, I can think of no place I would rather live, but America is a young country. Like many young countries, we have a lot to learn. And we do learn, slow. We tried to abolish alcohol with horrific results, and this "War on Drugs" is doing no better. I am not saying everyone who uses drugs is a saint, of course not. As in all populations, there are good and bad and some do need to be punished, accordingly. The mandatory sentence system has a big problem. If your reading this, you already know it.
   We are all to scared to speak up. It's time we do. I for one am sick to death seeing good people disposed of. Look to how other (Older) countries are handling to issue. America, sadly is doing, in my opinion, very badly. It can't go on, We can't let it go on. Children need their parents.
   We need our citizens back. The toll on society is too great to cookie cut justice, to streamline sentences. I do not have the answers, but I can clearly see what is not working now. and I am not alone, too many people are silent out of fear. Government should not be feared, it's our Government, let's be pro active and participate. Change is coming. It won't be perfect, be it will be better.
Thank you