Tuesday, February 28, 2023

getting sick will kill you if you place your faith in the medical system

Bless you for replying. I feel we can only swap notes, what has happened is horrendous! I have lost so many friends due to the regulations, and to be honest, I have become quite ambivalent about whether I live or die.
   Gov. Sununnu here in NH had approved a house bill basically telling doctors can prescribe as they see fit with no reprucussions from the state, But seems nobody is taking note of it. bad news travels fast, good news? I don't think it travels at all.
   Regardless, what I need to know is if there are any class action suits against this travesty. Or is everyone too afraid to go up against the Gov. over what so many clearly see as wrong.
    Maybe they will after they watch their Mother die a slow painful death from cancer, while being read the riot act by the VNA over how they're afraid to give this octogenarian more than four 5mg oxycodone, for fear or her becoming addicted.
  It was as much pain for me dealing with her painful passing for nearly three months.
   Lest I digress.
   I need to hear about some legal action some law firm with the balls to stand up to the government and say, "Enough is enough!" and you know damn well, I will be on the top of the list in any legal action. That is of course, if I am still alive.
    so, let's keep in touch if we hear anything promising in the future,,, and not give up the fight, and let them win, and kill us all off. It's not the first time this has happened, History shows us time and again where genoside was perpetuated by the Govermant. It's happening all over again.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

letter to insurance


   I know about pain solutions as well. just another detox, not a pain management facility.... in fact, the "New" PA-C (not MD) is a transfer from pain solutions. and as with all so-called pain management facilities in NH..... they are all just detox facilities.
    I believe I might stand a better chance for competent care at a Boston Hospital specializing in Phantom Limb Pain, a relatively nitch medical malady for which little is known. I would not believe anyone claiming it is what I say it is, because most survivors recover eventually. But, not all. Some, Never! Lucky me.
   It's tragic that the best amputee hospitals are located in other parts of the country or are military only, but much study has been made recently with the number of amputees the military is providing these days, and new treatments. All of which I am open too receiving.
   I don't like being treated like a drug seeking addict, however, I dislike even more all the screaming, for hours, every week lately. In fact, the BEAS (Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services) has launched an investigation after numerous complaints for my neighbors claiming I am screaming for 20hrs at a time (Actually 28+hrs).
   This is not make believe!!!
and now I am developing all kinds of "New" medical issues due to my revised lifestyle.
    If I were more of a conspiracy Theorist, I would say it's almost as if the Government wants all disabled people dead. (Google it... it's a thing)
   With that, I will search out any professional Medical Doctor willing to take on my case... or at least I will die trying.
   I will of course contact you for any assistance I will need with transportation etc. Possibly a newer vehicle.

 Thank you,
E Kei

I am the foremost Authority on this subject, not by choice. Those who are forced to live like this, stay in bed all day, and do very little.
They can't. If I wish to LIVE my life, best I can, I need medically supervised medication.

PS: I would be more than "Willing" to stay at GSPA, if they would hire a MD Doctor, and were "Willing" to treat pain. Not detox patients. I was forced to quit cold turkey... it was nothing in comparison to screaming at the top of my lungs for hours on end.


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Feb 2021 still alive!


   I would love to be an advocate.... but lately, with this irrational reduction
in pain management medication, I am lucky to advocate my way to the toilet!

 seriously, I could write a book of this current politically correct, ridiculous
unnecessary torturing of legitimate pain patients! 
 the NEW method of reducing pain patients, either thru torture, murder, or suicide,
 is to now reduce their ability to manage daily tasks, then send in the "bureau" with their clipboards and charts, documenting the patient's inability to manage their lives, (Now that the Doctor has reduced a disable person's ability to manage even the most basic tasks, such as taking the trash out, or cleaning up after their TV dinner).
   And after carful calculations, the teams, develops a "Plan" to assist the patients, buy recommending a "Facility". Where a patient's medication can be "Monitored" and carefully doled out as the "Facility" deems appropriate.

      EXACTLY what the DEA, CDC, and those who control what Doctors can and can't due. right down to the board-room executives and their Lawyers, suggest, at the bottom-line recommends of what to do with patients that require more than the 90 MME's MAX (written at the time.)
 but yes, that was the bottom line...
"Get them into a facility"

E. K****

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Almost there!!!

Why write a blog? cause your so smart and you want to help people? Haa-Ha. of maybe just to get it all out? Well, for me it's chronicling a problem in America today... for the disabled. Primarily the war on drugs and opioids.

 so for no particular reason I will tell you what I learned this thanksgiving...

   I am writing this to my PA-C (latest henchmen) at GSPA, because I was completely unable to make my last appointment. In fact, I don't go anywhere. I can't

Sunday, rough night, not the worse, but I am a little sore from the contractions my body goes thru with each electrical shock. Life goes on. I will call early Monday morning to set up a time for a visit... or I should say, "As soon as I am able". While I understand the need to reduce everybody's pain medication, (for some reason), I have to say, for me, it's greatly diminished the quality of life, and more recently taken effect on my physical abilities. This Thanksgiving people asked how much weight I lost, and without saying as much, wondered about my physical health. Why are we as a society so afraid to approach the subject of death? Clearly, I understood they were also as worried about how poorly I look and am doing now that pain is a daily combatant. Like a dying dog, I don't run and play anymore. I just lie in bed, and now the consequences are obvious to anyone who seen my decline in this past year, See you soon, God willing. Edward Keith

I did see a few people this thanksgiving, and didn't like anything I heard! THIS, the newest attack on pain patients, I heard last week.... Bob, a friend who is disabled, been on pain meds for years and was active. He went thru this "REDUCE PAIN PATIENTS MEDICATION" approximately a year before me. and now...after his life has become less manageable (after med reductions), and he is now housebound...they did a wellness check.   Guess what?
  The powers that be, are now trying to section him!!!   Doctors are really going out of their way to help patients these days!
     My Uncle tells me, "Do NOT involve any of these so-called Helper bees, ie, doctors lawyers' police, etc. because they will only make you miserable. His wife, 94 yrs. old... never sees a doctor, and I am sure she is not in perfect health, but she is still alive...and most of all, happy.
   I am NOT happy.
 and here's the sad part.... the very few, who legitimately do want to help, cannot. Their hands are tied. Even with their best efforts, there is only so much a person can do with such powerful opposition.
   On that bombshell, I bid you all good day, I have much to consider,

 thanks for trying, 

And that is what I learned... so if you are disabled>or know someone, be careful what you say. I will be used to incarcerate you. even if you are being told, "We're here to help you"

Thursday, July 8, 2021

NOT DEAD YET! surprise

 Hello, I am writing this in a mental fog this afternoon, after 13hrs of sleepless sever lightening strike pain, but I feel I must say it, because there are people who are not in touch with my reality...in fact some believe I "Exaggerate" my pain.  Including some medical professionals. I sent this letter to my current ARPN, who has once again reduced my medications to in fact, less than half. 

Friday. I began experiencing breakthrough pain shortly after our last meeting, so when I returned home, I went immediately to bed and rested. The pain intensified at 9pm.My Rt kneecap was assaulted with sharp electrical shocks three zaps in rapid succession, every 4 seconds. This continued for 13hrs, and finally, I got three hours of sleep. I am physically and emotionally wiped out, yet I have to eat and attend my responsibilities. I hoped this would have reduced in the past 90+ days, but that is not the case. PLEASE ask around for any alternative pain abatement protocol. This was a new high having THREE break-thru episodes lasting over ten hours each in one week, and frankly each time I worry if it will be the last time. It really is that horrific Please help me.

   well, it is a seemingly beautiful day, I had plans. I am very hungry but physically limited to just how well I can perform daily living tasks. I know I cannot take any unnecessary chances as I am alone here, and cannot afford a dangerous fall. Of course, I will live, until I can't, but know this recent change to my health care has had enormous negative consequences.
     PLEASE, any help in finding a medical professional or care team that can take me off the strings of medical puppetry (ineffective medications), and restore a quality of life to where I can get back to being a productive valued member of society...give my live restored meaning....do try. I work on this whenever time allows, but at 4-6hrs daily, I am falling far behind on even the most basic of human needs we take advantage of, believe me, just being able to do want you need, when you need to do it is so underrated. I cannot even make a small meal.

Ed K

I am sure there is something that can be done. but who will step up?

Friday, November 20, 2020

kill all the irrelevant people, have your Doctor do it!!

 what have you been doing with yourself? I haven't been very lucky at sleeping...a lot of pain everyone has it, but there is little help for us these days. Covid and opiode being enemies of the Sate

if your not careful you will end up in a rehab/nursing home like "Town and Country" in Lowell where you will definitely contract COVID...I guess? eating and farting is probably all you can do. but at least you have a half change of surviving
  Me?  Ha Haa. doctors are being real shitty. they do not give your prescriptions any more, they fax them to the Pharmacy, so you can't even see how fucked up the refill dates are. Mine is going on 33 days and still nothing (on a 28 day refill)
    also, they send an email for a confirmation you will make the appointment on time, a week early!. question: if the appointment is a 2:30, why must I check in by 2:15...and at what point am I technically late? and then, why do I have to wait in the waiting room for 50 minutes and then in the exam room for another 20 minutes? At what point are THEY late?
  and I predict...yes, I said it...we will have to get a covid test every month two days prior to our appointment!!!
 anything and everything they can do to make it damn near impossible to get treated (poorly).
  rather talk on the on the video, but this works.
you can hate me,  it's easier.