Wednesday, March 30, 2016

727 transmission HELP!!!

I never write to the web for help, but since I am buying a Trans kit for my RV, I thought it wise to hear from the best (That's what I been told) somethign about crown source.
     So, here it is. I have a 72 Coachman Class A w/ a 392 IH engine and their version of a 727 trans, in an IH case. A 727 kit will work for this rebuild right? My question is, should I rebuild this or is it "Over" for this trans...I know, "How the hell do you know? You can't see it. Here's what's happening, and NOBODY has a post on this issue, Runs and shifts nice. It just needs to be run in first, second and Drive, manually. It will not start off in "D" position. Once rolling, unless I make a complete stop, it's fine. It will roll in D, but on acceleration. I think it feels like it's in forward and reverse. at the least, not going anywhere. I know TH's and a bit on C-4,6 Nothing on 727, 904. except to R&R them
So, what gives? the prev. owner said he did not Kit -it, but there is no accumulator spring between it and the VB. Slight crap in the pan. typical looking insides. The no spring spooks me, and no forward in D, is not acceptable. It's a damn RV, not a 1/4 miler. Thanks for any help before I pick the right kit.

PS: anyone wise about getting answers on-line, please advise, I tried all the usual ways, Forums, Phone a friend, Web search, you tube.

Friday, March 25, 2016

POW MIA oir "War on Drugs"

There has to be said something about the countless Americans who have been captured, detained and even killed by a war started by the American people against the American people. This is another civil war. An unnecessary war. I love America, I can think of no place I would rather live, but America is a young country. Like many young countries, we have a lot to learn. And we do learn, slow. We tried to abolish alcohol with horrific results, and this "War on Drugs" is doing no better. I am not saying everyone who uses drugs is a saint, of course not. As in all populations, there are good and bad and some do need to be punished, accordingly. The mandatory sentence system has a big problem. If your reading this, you already know it.
   We are all to scared to speak up. It's time we do. I for one am sick to death seeing good people disposed of. Look to how other (Older) countries are handling to issue. America, sadly is doing, in my opinion, very badly. It can't go on, We can't let it go on. Children need their parents.
   We need our citizens back. The toll on society is too great to cookie cut justice, to streamline sentences. I do not have the answers, but I can clearly see what is not working now. and I am not alone, too many people are silent out of fear. Government should not be feared, it's our Government, let's be pro active and participate. Change is coming. It won't be perfect, be it will be better.
Thank you