Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Justice or Just us ?

what do they mean by Justice? I am involved with a tenant landlord dispute. the landlord has hired a lawyer and the lawyer has manipulated the system, for lack of a better word, to help the landlord evict a tenant. the tenant a 75-year-old woman has no law degree.  So this is very easy for the lawyer.  I just want to get up in court and scream.  I am sure if I am witnessing this one injustice, that they has to be countless others.
I am absolutely sick to death with what I witness going on in this country.  Then forced to think, it must be happening in other countries also. so what do we do?
I sometimes wonder what I see an elderly angry person why they are so angry.  Now as I get older I am getting angrier also.  It is small wonder why so many are depressed, on drugs, alcoholics or suicidal.  I am not that far yet.  But I am so young.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Beggerman, Theif?

Dog info
Ifound alink for an ultra sound clinic
but it has it's hoops and rings to jump thru
but still.
let be thankful
 for the ultra sound clinic info.
 I have not heard back from them yet.
I found a vet
 that will help me financially with possibly treating Tisha's CHF,
but he says all he needs is one x-ray
to see her heart
how big it is, and the shadow around it.
the draining,
 as long as I know is not going to save her life,
and understand she could go into shock and die.
maybe even sooner if she is a candidate for fluid drainage.
 if that is better than to see her trying to catch hr breath all day
 and coughing, he will help her and not hurt her.
 and charge me all I can afford

so, my question is can you do one x-ray for me please?
how much  would that cost me  please.?

I am sorry to have to keep bothering you about MY problems.
I have a simple life and my dog is the most important thing in my life
how sad is that?   She is with me all day, everyday
right by my wheelchair, she comforts me and makes me have to get out of bed
to feed her and take her outside.
I don't know what will happen when she is gone.

Ed  W                              
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Bill and Jill, I spend all day trying to find a clinic or affordable care for myself and my dog. More doors are shut than even opened a crack. THIS is what happens when you cannot go to work anymore. My Teeth, my Pets, my family all suffer...not just me.In the past  I would just work over time or get a second job for anything I needed, even for luxuries I WANTED  in the past. and there was nothing I couldn't have if I wanted it.
now I can't even have, non-luxuries. I really believed workmens comp when they told me I would be afforded anything I could not do directly due to, or because of, my disablity. I also was told I would receive a settlement once I was ,
"Medically cleared". That was continuously postponed every time I asked about it.
Hey, can I work over time this week? I really could use the money. I was always better at earning money than I ever was at begging.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Disregard this correspondence since it has nothing to do with anything you are obligated to help me with.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

To kill or let die

I have a sick dog.
A 13 yr old Schiperkke named T*****.
She is absolutly the love of my life. She is also a service dog.
Now she is at terminal end stage CHF, chronic Heart Failure. Her abdomin is round and hard. Bloated. There is no cure for the condition, anyone whos seen this knows how heartbreaking it can be.
   Now, at her age. some say,"Let her die" Or "Put her to sleep, $75+.
CHF is often a long painful death. So I call all local Vet's. They want me to schedule an appointment, $50+, Then they want to examine her, $50+. After that, X-rays, $150+, Bloodwork $50+. all to say either: "She has a tumor and there's little we can do", because of her age...and "we could opperate, but she may not make it thru" $2k+.
BUT if there's no tumor, and it's CHF (Which is OBVIOS) I mean they are professionals and see this stuff everey day, correct? CHF, Untreatble. But w/medication we can slow her death down....for another $50 extra. And maybe we can drian her. $100+ because we will need to do it in stages,,,and it's not healthy to do..but it can relieve some of the pressure on her heart and lungs, meaning she could breath a little easier.
   So, I go the $50 for the examine and get the pills for CHF, They will not hurt her if she has a tumor. But she is getting bad, worse, can hardly breath. They're not helping.
    I call all the vets again and explain, begging that they please release some fluid from her abdomin. I have $118 to my name I will give them. Guess what??...Read above, all over again. THEN, and only then, will they consider "Draining".
    So, I tell them, I am going to stick a pen in her side and let out what fliud I can. They all get upset and rightous, saying,"It could kill her".
   What is wrong with this picture?
Is it I am not giving them $100's for diagnosis, x-rays, and pills for a TERMINAL illness? OR, is it the risk she might die, without them getting $75 to euthanize her?
OR, do they actually care about the dogs health and well being?