Sunday, October 16, 2011

Laptops and crap like that

OK, so you paid $500
for that piece of eletrical equiptment last year, sure it was state of the art, ya, it was a great deal. But this year they make a better, bigger, faster one... and guess what? It's cheaper. So, why? do you think you can sell yours for more than half of what you paid? Sheet, for a few more dollars anyone can buy a better one than you have right now... NEW,
So people, let's get with it,. Hold on to it even longer, and it will be worth even less.
are you listening all you Craigs Listers??
Post your poop on craigslist realistically.
Or not...I wonder how many items form the countless hundreds of thousands do not ever sell?  good question.

Durable Medical Equiptment

 Ya, you guessed it, not a very good night. I thought I would take this time to write you about my disappointment with the order from Conlins. They sent a RoHo cover...exactly what I asked not to get. Second time too. It cost $100, gee's. I could had bought two for that price, but what stinks, besides it being what I asked NOT TO ORDER, is it's plastic, Nice for sweat ass, and promoted tissue break down. Top it off, it's the wrong size.
  The gloves they sent, for $50. are the worse I ever seen. In fact I think they sell them at Walmart for $12, and I wouldn't buy or use those.
    The tires are crappy, but it is what they sell. at least they will work, for a while.
  and the reacher is the cheap one that they give you at rehab. it's disposable, probably the cheapest they make. they break that quick. Yes there are better models. I have one here that is three or more years old and works the best... but it's long. I asked for a 24" since it was the shortest that would fit my wheelchair, (So I could bring it with me) I got a 26". No good, I can add it to the pile of shitty ones I have now from various hospital & rehab stays.
   So, needless to say, I am very unhappy. VERY... to the tune of $167. Not including the tires etc.
$340.70. IF, I was given that much money to buy the products I wanted to order. I could have saved the company $250 easy.
I could had bought EVERYTHING I WANTED/NEEDED for the overcharge, alone.
Tires at $40 a piece. (not including tubes) what are they? Car tires?, cause last time I checked they LISTED for $18 each, from the manufacturer, but I could had bought them for $12.
so how long before  I
can try and get stuff I can actually use, again? Six months? more? because half this shit is no good, don't fit or will be broken long before that?
   Thanks. Damn pain is not letting up, and no, I haven't filled the meds Dr H? wrote yet.
sorry. will do it as soon as possible. I REALLY need a vehicle.
If I weren't disabled I could drive any cheap car because I could get out on the side of the road and fixed it, OR walked home.
  So, I need a safe dependable, HANDICAP equipped van for a wheelchair bound person.
Is that too ridiculous to ask?
You want ridiculous, call Conlins.
I CAN get a van for about $5-6 k.... that Ride-A-Way would be happy to sell for $20k.
   But hey, when your disabled, you are taken full advantage of, because nobody is on your side.
It's all about the money.
screw the crippled.

Ed Ward                                           
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Saturday, July 30, 2011

More deeper cuts

We're screwed. There is no easy fix. and all the big money special interest groups run this country.
The are getting richer, and the poor? we can not even afford to fight for our rights.
to do that costs money.

I was caught in a car crusher at work and had both legs amputated from the hips down.
No fault of my own.
as a consequence, since they had better (Expensive) Lawyers.
I now live on 60% of my then starting wage!
While my cost of living in a wheelchair disabled, has more than tripled!

All this time I see perfectly able bodied persons collecting from the Government a bounty of services...and they still work, under the table.
and some can even collect from other agencies.
there are too many Lawyers scamming the Gov out of money
Money that truly disabled people cannot get access to.

I sit in line watching FAT people buy Shrimp with food stamps!
I am so unable to get out on my own, I seldom can even make it to the food pantry...where I sit again and watch FAT people with Mass. plates filling their shopping cart with food intended to feed NH's poor...if they can even get a ride there.
I can't always, and often, I cannot leave my bed... let alone the trailer I am now forced to reside in.
I have to fight for every crumb I get and, and now I hear cuts to this and cuts to that?

I did contact the DRC. They are there to Help the rich. The poor have no voice.

You can't take, or even cut enough from poor people, to fix this economy.

Hey, it's all great. Till it's YOU'RE family.

and hey, we all get old.
welcome to NH.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Heart Land Fart Land

and thank you for the clarification.
 I did receive my order and I am not delighted with the LED bulbs.
I had hoped for something much brighter than what I received.
The bulbs I purchased from Heart Land are no brighter than the bulbs I bought for $5.
 sadly to return these items would cost as much as I paid.

   It's so hard for a consumer to believe the claims ,made by some companies when even simple things like light-bulbs are questionable at best.

I know it's not your fault.
But I did feel the need to come forth and express my disappointment.
And now I was told that I had to join the shipping club because free shipping would no longer be available from Heartland.
 my very next catalog says plainly,
"Free Shipping".

It's bad enough when a product doesn't meet your expectations,
 but when customer service can't even tell you a fact and lies for sales...
.well, It really puts that company in a very unfavorable light.
I will not recommend anymore of my friends to buy from Heartland,
 last time I did, I didn't even get a $10 reward
I was told.....
(I didn't follow protocol)
  Oh well, enough  of this.
A lesson learned is valuable enough.

Sad Customer

weak products....weaker company

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Save O logy

Saveology is a scam an a half. Sure most of us know that, but more need to. They definatly sound too good to be true, because they are not true. I did soem research with them and they billed me! Well, they thanked me for my order first. Hey! I didn't order anything? But there it was in my bill.
   So, stay away from this deal. I am sure a few people actually  did get a good deal from them, and I'm sure it's the same deal they would had eventually recieved from their service provider if they spent enough time on the phone.
   which brings me to cable providers, By now we all figured out that they are going to try and get the most cash from you the consumer. It stinks becaus e we all are trying to screthch our dollars. Cable providers can do so much more for you and give you a great deal. IF you get the right rep on the phone and IF Jupiter is in line with Mars, IF it's the third tues of the month. Really, there's no rhyme or reason why they won't just povide each customer with the same level of service, for the same price.
   Ask your friends and nieghbors, they'll all tell you they pay different prices for the same service you are recieving yourself, now. I'm sorry I can't tell you exactly how it happens, it's an unsolved mistery.
   if you know a promo code and secret handshake, tell me! I need a better price too.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Some days are better than others

It's a beautiful summer day. Finally. and for some of us it doesn't matter how beautiful it is outside. Inside we feel terrible. Pain, poverty, depression, those are some of the aliments that keep some from enjoying a perfect day.
   Today I get to go see my Doctor. Isn't that a lot of fun? I can clearly see now why it's called "Practicing Medicine". They don't know what they're doing most of the time. Only "Practicing". Hey, I hear it isn't an exacting science, but shit, you might think they had some idea.
  well, as a patient I can tell you what I've learned: Never tell them what you want-You wont get it. Take notes-You'll soon see their contradictions. And try and keep it on one focus, no matter how hard they try and talk to you about other area's in your life. Stay on task. Remember, they only get to see you for a 20 minute snapshot of your life, For the next 90 days they will have no idea how bad or good things are going in your life. If you can't remember the bad days maybe keep a log or journal.
    Doctors are just people. They know less about you and your body than you do so it's important to TELL them. Even that said, how many of us are frustrated with the care we receive. a show of hands?
    Try and have a great day, even if it's not all you want it to be. From Ward - E

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Commie Cast

Hello, it's been warm and I been away, BUT when I got back I had a mailbox full of mail. I opened my Comcast Bill and it was almost $100. Twice the regular price. It appears someone went and upgraded me service to include HBO and Internet. I already have Internet with Fair point. I don't think I need two ISP's.
   I did what anyone would do, I called, spoke for about 45 minutes and was hung up on. No, never got a call back. I tries to call them again and am having nothing but that same old Comcast frustration. Mind you the $100 was only for ISP and TV. I am now looking over different plans for the infamous triple play. 
Q) How can a third party sell Comcast for less than Comcast can offer it to me?? What do I do?? Has anybody actually received a triple play package for anything near $99. What about all these installation fees? Play it in... what's to install?
  anyhow, if anybody can suggest a better plan than Comcast offers, OR if anybody knows a way in which a person can negotiate with Comcast... Please let me know.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Shelter Logic 10X20

Shelter Logic Tent

     I bought one of these beauties at my local K-Mart on sale for $249. Best price I could find for this item. It has five support legs, all powder coated, and a decent mil tarp covering. I was told it is easy to set up and will take about 2 hrs. Right! two days later, it is still not complete. The high winds had a lot to do with the delay. at one point I though the wind was going to lift me right off the ground.
    Suggestions: Tie or stake the poles down long before attempting to tarp. Also, try and put the ends together on the ground before assembling the pole structure. I mean, put the tarp vinyl on the ends before standing it up.The poles have to go thru the tarps, and they don't mention this till you have the entire steel structure assembled, making a "Disassemble" extra step. You could also put the poles thru the base of  one side before assembly. But only on one side. These steps will save a lot of future dis-assembly.
    All in all, I think Shelter Logic makes a good quality tent thing for storage, the best part, being a "Temporary" structure, most municipalities do not require a permit or fee, (for a temp structure.) You may have to move it every few years or so, but it's light.
   Just don't do it on a windy day.
                   Aunty Emm!!!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

What can I say,. I give this movie a giant two thumbs up. First time I watched it, I was left with a , "Uh-huh" at the end. Needless to say, I had to watch it again...and again. I couldn't believe it was Jim Carey. I mean there's so many Careys out there. There's Drew, Mariah, and for some reason I thoght even another "Jim".
  His acting was unexpected as it was hardly a comedy movie...yet it was funny. It gave me another persetcive on just what type of actor Jim really is.
   Well, if you get a chance to see this movie, I would definitely recommend watching it with your significant other. It will give you both a "Ah-hah" moment.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Who do you think you are?


if enough people keep telling you who they think you are, you might begin to believe it. To know who you are can be a very frustrating task. Sure, you are probably a lot of things to many different people. So if those people keep telling you who they think you are, I know it's hard, but don't let it bother you. If I were to believe all the things I am told I am... well, then I would never get to be me.
   Popeye said it well, "I Yam what I yam".

  I am me.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

IDIOCRACY 2 thumbs up


 Just kicking back, watching some Idiot Box TV, and lo and Behold a movie I can relate to.
. The beginning is exactly something I been saying for years now!! Go ahead, watch the You Tube link
see if you agree---
Well, at least I think I cut the right url. try it or, just look for the intro to "Idiocracy". So far the movie is predictable, and low brow...just the way I like a movie. So, look around, that family with all the kids? Hmmm, suspect? Yours?
   We wonder. I rather feed my pit bull. Good nightie.

From: Ward -E

Every Journey Starts With A Single Step

Hello, Bloggers and others.
     I am going to start a blog on things I think need to be made more aware of by more people. Sure, everyone knows what we do with our elderly, disabled or otherwise "Undiserable" people in todays society. Most of us know such a  person, or maybe even are such a person, and we need a voice.
        I will not attempt be that voice, but I will chime in with the many others. I will search the web for anything that can help us with every facet of daily living. Pretty lofty ideal? Well, it has to start somewhere.  And I could use the help of everyone on the net.
  I am aware of many other web-sites and bloggers that do try and make people aware of the autrocitys in todays society and I welcome all input. Links, advice, even some not-so-well-intentioned criticism.
    I do not know exactly what I will do, most days I might just ramble, some days I might have some information. and other days I will just be another faceless, nameless, useless page on the internet, as is the case with a majority of well intentions people.
    So, with that I will sign off till later when I begoin the aimless ramblings of a digruntled person on the face of this planet. Who knows, there has to be a better than this situation. So, from Ward -E----------------
   Have great day and don't settle for less! Speak UP! Get angry if you have to.