Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Dr. D. Good visit. I am sorry to report to you after leaving your office, then visiting my Mom at the nursing home, I came home to begin a 17hr marathon of screaming. I just got out of bed now and am so wiped out from exhaustion that I am having a hard time addressing what I need to do. I know I haven't written you every time I have a PLP attack so I thought we should begin recording some sort of record. I did take two extra Oxycodone 15 mg, and three more methadone 10gs during this recent episode, and want to remind you that it is not drug seeking behavior, rather pain relief behavior. again, just a reminder, I have been on  schedule of chronic pain medication, like oxycodone, and had additional strong medication for acute breakthru pain, like hydromorphone, or fentanyl sublingual. Till more recently, a stronger course or chronic pain which did in fact reduce bouts of acute pain, which I did tolerate well. all I can do is relate treatments I been exposed to and their relative effectiveness. And report where I am today. Finally the pain has abated, and left me both physically and emotionally drained. This generally takes 1-2 days to recuperate from. Unless another breakthrough episode begins before that, and lately, that is not out of the realm of my reality. I am sorry to be such a burden of a patient especially in the opioid crisis. It was never my plan. I just am the luckiest guy in the world. Thanks for listening. Just a FYI.

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