Pain Care. No JOKE if you need it. but the way some Doctors treat you, a person might as well's better than paying lots of money in appointments, only to continue suffering. And if you do get medical help, they prescribe placebo in place of anything that will relive much more than a common headache. I have left the Doctors office felling worse than when I walked in.
Integrated Pain Care in Bedford NH was referred to me by my Medical coverage. Initially they told me they were not prepared to handle the level of care and pain management I required. We decided to "Give it a try", since they were local at the time. Shortly after that they packed up the local office and had me driving further than I am comfortable driving, with monthly visits. It was clear they didn't really want me as a patient so Josh Dion began having me piss in a cup. I never was asked to do that anywhere else I was seen. I don't use any illegal drugs so I thought nothing of it, I am in too much pain to "Party". But when my piss sample came back showing....'Metabolites consistent with cocaine use", well, I nearly fell out of my wheelchair. I asked to be retested as it was clearly a mistake, but they immediately dropped me with only one months supply of medications (which were barely working for me), and no referral. I did suffer a short term without pain medication but the withdrawal was nothing compared to the increased pain levels I had to deal with.
I did a little looking around and found a highly recommend pain management Doctor named Kristen Harden. Even a patient in the waiting room at Integrated Pain Management knew of stating she, "....didn't like Integrated Pain Management (either), she had Doctor Harden before and was very pleased with her". Reinforcing what I had previously heard form other major pain patients.
I been with Doctor Harden, now Doctor Khanna for over four years and couldn't be happier. My pain is not gone, but at least now I have something to fight it back with. Yes, I did have a pain attack that lasted over 13hrs. But as I said, my level of pain care is not if anyone's is, and Doctor Khanna understands that. Oh, I have not had any questionable urine tests since that one time. So, if your tired of being treated as a billing address, I would recommend trying Total Pain and Wellness in Salem NH. It's worth the ride form anywhere.
Medical Marijuana is still not legalized, decriminalized, or approved for medical use in NH yet, but it's just a matter of time, and yes, I think it might be helpful for some medical conditions.
That's it from this end, have yourselves a great pain-free day!