Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sept Grants for disabled

First day of September!
That is great! another year to award some deserving disabled athletes
a chance at receiving equipment and/or training!
Only sadness is now with my age creeping in, I would not be able
to use a nice hand-cycle I tried so many years to get a grant for.

I do have one.
but it's old....and too dangerous for anyone to ride really.
It has the type of brakes and shifters you have to let go of
a hand pedals to use. Not safe.

I crashed a few times during panic stops...taking one
hand off one pedal, and trying to stop without going into
on-coming traffic or down a ditch (Which is what usually happened)

Of course being a high level double amputee, made balancing with one hand

Just a pleasure ride had me holding on for dear life.

If I could make one suggestion, make the application process
somewhat easier....I don't know how easy it can be made,
but that was my downfall every year.
I think the first year I tried it was eight pages long.
My life, living alone has enough daily challenges.
It was never a lack of wanting to get it done, it just seldom did,
and when it did...
it was always too late!

Good luck this year. I am sure some lucky disabled athletes will
have the family and support needed to get a "Perfect" application in on time
If, they haven't already!!!

THAT is a professional disabled person.

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