Well, nothing new to read here. as everyone knows, no matter what chronic illness or malady you live with, NO pain doctor will prescribe any opioids...even if they work for you. Yes, you can read all about it. Opioids are bad. Get the facts. It's PROPAGANDA. and if you buy into it, you're a fool.
but what about these pain patients, that until now were treated with some dignity and/or respect? what about them now. unless it's you, those 2% of the population are screwed. watch the suicide rates climb and sure, blame that too on opiods. It's easy!
I believe this will all come out one day, and everything will be OK...not in ours lives! but maybe by the time they too live in unretractable pain things might change.
Listen, someone make s a pill that is somewhat effective, let's put an end to that! that will cure everything,
Lucky for them pain patients don't live all that long. I heard of someone else who believed all pain patients (And Jews, and society detriments) should all be extinguished. That worked out great, almost as well as prohibition.
so how long can the silent suffers stay silent? It's a real problem when some folks speak up, so just shut your mouth and as long as it doesn't effect YOU personally, go along with it all.
It will make your life easier.
How's that working out for you?