Monday, May 30, 2011

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

What can I say,. I give this movie a giant two thumbs up. First time I watched it, I was left with a , "Uh-huh" at the end. Needless to say, I had to watch it again...and again. I couldn't believe it was Jim Carey. I mean there's so many Careys out there. There's Drew, Mariah, and for some reason I thoght even another "Jim".
  His acting was unexpected as it was hardly a comedy movie...yet it was funny. It gave me another persetcive on just what type of actor Jim really is.
   Well, if you get a chance to see this movie, I would definitely recommend watching it with your significant other. It will give you both a "Ah-hah" moment.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Who do you think you are?


if enough people keep telling you who they think you are, you might begin to believe it. To know who you are can be a very frustrating task. Sure, you are probably a lot of things to many different people. So if those people keep telling you who they think you are, I know it's hard, but don't let it bother you. If I were to believe all the things I am told I am... well, then I would never get to be me.
   Popeye said it well, "I Yam what I yam".

  I am me.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

IDIOCRACY 2 thumbs up


 Just kicking back, watching some Idiot Box TV, and lo and Behold a movie I can relate to.
. The beginning is exactly something I been saying for years now!! Go ahead, watch the You Tube link
see if you agree---
Well, at least I think I cut the right url. try it or, just look for the intro to "Idiocracy". So far the movie is predictable, and low brow...just the way I like a movie. So, look around, that family with all the kids? Hmmm, suspect? Yours?
   We wonder. I rather feed my pit bull. Good nightie.

From: Ward -E

Every Journey Starts With A Single Step

Hello, Bloggers and others.
     I am going to start a blog on things I think need to be made more aware of by more people. Sure, everyone knows what we do with our elderly, disabled or otherwise "Undiserable" people in todays society. Most of us know such a  person, or maybe even are such a person, and we need a voice.
        I will not attempt be that voice, but I will chime in with the many others. I will search the web for anything that can help us with every facet of daily living. Pretty lofty ideal? Well, it has to start somewhere.  And I could use the help of everyone on the net.
  I am aware of many other web-sites and bloggers that do try and make people aware of the autrocitys in todays society and I welcome all input. Links, advice, even some not-so-well-intentioned criticism.
    I do not know exactly what I will do, most days I might just ramble, some days I might have some information. and other days I will just be another faceless, nameless, useless page on the internet, as is the case with a majority of well intentions people.
    So, with that I will sign off till later when I begoin the aimless ramblings of a digruntled person on the face of this planet. Who knows, there has to be a better than this situation. So, from Ward -E----------------
   Have great day and don't settle for less! Speak UP! Get angry if you have to.